If you have just registered an account, please check your e-mail inbox. You should receive an e-mail with a validation link from noreply@wolfquest.org. Open the link to activate your account.

This email normally arrives within a few minutes, but occasionally can take an hour or two. Sometimes this e-mail is incorrectly flagged as junk or spam by your e-mail provider, so check your spam or junk filter/folder if you didn’t see the e-mail in your inbox.

You can also manually activate your account: click the link in lower-right on the Login/Register panel.

If you are still having troubles receiving the validation e-mail, please contact us by emailing info@wolfquest.org with subject line “Did not receive account validation e-mail” and your WolfQuest Anniversary Edition username and the email address on your account. Be sure to state that this is a WolfQuest Anniversary Edition account.