The original game (WolfQuest versions 1 through 2.7) was designed to be fun and playable by 9-13 year olds, since that was the target audience for our National Science Foundation grant funding over fifteen years ago.

The new game, WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition, has evolved to become a much more sophisticated and realistic wildlife simulation with a broad appeal.

Because you play as a wild wolf, you will hunt and consume prey (gore), you or your mate or pups may perish (heartbreaking), and you will fight with your competition (violence). The life of a wolf can be hard! These are things to consider when deciding if WolfQuest is right for your child.

The game offers different difficulty levels to create a challenging and enjoyable experience for players of all levels.

Players affected by COPPA (players under 13) will automatically have their game accounts restricted, with text chat available only in private games with friends.

WolfQuest depicts the lives of wild wolves who hunt, eat prey, and fight to survive in the wild. Consequently, the game contains mild violence and gore. For example:

  • Prey and predator animals attack/fight back and can cause injury or death to the player’s wolf.
  • Prey carcasses are an important food source for many animals and are mildly gory.
  • Predators and other dangers (e.g. drowning, starvation) are ever-present threats to player’s wolf and pups.
  • Pups do not all survive and this can be hard for young players.
  • Territory gameplay involves fighting other wolves and may result in injury or death.
  • Player wolves can visit a ranch and may be shot by an unseen rancher. (In WQ 2.7 and the Lost River DLC for WQ: Anniversary Edition.)
  • Player wolves can be shot by invisible human hunters in autumn in the Hellroaring Mountain DLC for WQ: Anniversary Edition.
  • In multiplayer, other players may choose to be combative in the roleplay (at this time, player vs. player fighting is not an option but will be in the future).

Other things to consider:

  • Public multiplayer games for 13 and up include text chat with players from all over the world. 
  • Private multiplayer games are available for all players to play with friends and include open text chat.
  • Players in multiplayer games must be tolerant and open-minded about other cultures and perspectives. WolfQuest community members are expected to be friendly, respectful, and helpful players. Public multiplayer games are not a place to criticize or condemn people on the basis of their race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or political views.
  • Multiplayer games are not moderated live so players need to be comfortable navigating online community interactions which may not always be positive or friendly. Players can use the in-game reporting system to report inappropriate behavior.

We encourage parents to play and be familiar with games that their children love! Parents of younger children and teens should check in regularly to be sure that they understand how to behave and be safe online. 

WolfQuest Privacy Policy

WolfQuest Multiplayer Rules

Players agree to the following rules before they enter multiplayer games.

What is not allowed:

  • Swearing, vulgarity, and excessive violence
  • Sexually-oriented, mating, or dating games/roleplay
  • Harassing, bullying, or threatening other players
  • Discussing illegal or inappropriate topics
  • Excessive kicking or saving spaces for friends in public games
  • Giving or asking for personal information
  • Hacking or modifying game files

When playing WolfQuest Multiplayer, players should always strive to be kind, respectful, and appropriate.