WolfQuest public multiplayer games are open for everyone to join and include players from all over the world. When entering multiplayer games, you agree to be a friendly, respectful, and helpful player. Public multiplayer games are not a place to share personal information or criticize or condemn people on the basis of their race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or political views.

WolfQuest Multiplayer Game Rules

Players agree to the following rules before they enter multiplayer games.

What is not allowed:

  • Swearing, vulgarity, and excessive violence
  • Sexually-oriented, mating, or dating games/roleplay
  • Harassing, bullying, or threatening other players
  • Discussing illegal or inappropriate topics
  • Excessive kicking or saving spaces for friends in public games
  • Giving or asking for personal information
  • Hacking or modifying game files
When playing WolfQuest Multiplayer, players should always strive to be kind, respectful, and appropriate.


Breaking any of these rules may result in a warning, chat restrictions, or permanent ban, as deemed necessary by a WolfQuest administrator. You may be banned without receiving any warnings beforehand.


If you notice anyone breaking these rules, please follow the directions for reporting inappropriate players. In-games reports will send the game information needed for WolfQuest admin to review the report.


The game host can kick players out of a game if they are breaking rules or being extremely uncooperative or obnoxious.  Once kicked, the player cannot return to the game. We recommend the host give a warning first. Before kicking, send an in-game report if you want admin to review. See the article about Kicking

Text Chat and Phrase Chat

  • Multiplayer games for 13 and up include text chat option.
  • Public multiplayer games for 12 and under are limited to No Chat (Phrase Chat may be coming in the future). But private games with friends include text chat option.

Private Games With Friends

Set up a private game if you want to play with certain players. Private games choices are:

  • All Friends
  • Selected Friends
  • Selected Packs

Just remember, the multiplayer rules and expectations are the same for private and public games.