v2.0.0e - Released 27 January 2025
- Added a few things to help players understand elk seasonal migration: World Map now indicates current season; new common notification in May and December when elk begin their seasonal migration to uplands or valleys, respectively; and Seasons entry in Game Help.
- Pup RNG Death pulldown now displays a green dot indicating how it's set in the current game. (Since the pulldown only affects the next litter, the checkmark can be misleading, so now the green dot makes it clear what is currently in effect.)
- Added "Hexes Claimed" readout below World Map.
- Set Notification History scrollbar default position to the top, now that recent items are at the top.
- On Known Wolves panel, player-wolf's offspring and siblings are boldfaced.
- Made the Family Tree snap regenerate automatically when mate dies.
- Made subheadings on Pack Info (Mate, Pups, etc.) larger and boldfaced for better readability.
- Added some additional texture detail on High Terrain Quality levels in non-winter seasons.
- On Setup New Game, added tooltip about Pup RNG deaths when player changes that selection.
- Prevent NPC wolves from aging up when player is not allowed to age up anymore (i.e. if player ages-up their wolf, then reloads a save from before aging up).
- Made rival wolf health persistent if despawned and respawned.
- Made pups stop for a few moments. when an adult approaches.
- Made lost pups look at the adults that found them longer
- Added more non-creek names for rival packs and dispersal origin packs on each map.
- Increased the odds that a subordinate becomes a pack leader after the leader dies, preventing the pack from disbanding.
- Known Wolves: Update pack name when meeting them again, in case name has changed since first meet (i.e. useful for packs that player joined, renamed, then also left).
- For Survival of the Pack quests, the difficulty level is now reset when pups are born (so if you want to get the achievement on a different difficulty than you've been playing on, you now can, as long as you switch it before pups are born.)
- Refactored some persistent pack mode to make it cleaner and more robust.
- Added info about elk migrations to Raise Pups and Young Hunters quest tips.
- Allow dispersals to respond to player howls even when in rival territory (50% of the time).
- Increased subordinate dispersing in December if there are many pups of the year.
- Do not allow new rival packs to select locked hexes as initial hex or home
- Only trigger Bloodlines achievement on player offspring, not siblings.
- Reduced volume of new hex sound effect.
- Packmate's peaceful death notification has placeholder tags.
- Ear and other customizations don't appear on NPC wolves in Scent View.
- The "K" key opens Known Wolves panel but doesn't close it.
- Recent Notifications now shows most recent notifications at top of list.
- Recent Notifications: Some notifications that should be displayed are not.
- Set max weight for pups in Growing Pups quest (to prevent anomalies if player never sleeps).
- Made GP and YH pups' growth affected by hunger (as younger pups are)
- Added tip to Find New Mate subquest: "First, ensure that your Pack Affinity is well above 25% before looking for a new mate, or courtship will fail immediately."
- Prevent regular "Death" music from playing after peaceful death.
- Game Controller guide map has incorrect instructions for Emote Favorites.
- Mysterious pups are shown on Family Tree sometimes after joining a rival pack.
- Sometimes tutorial tips disappear too soon.
- Music: SC Exploration Fingerstyle track restarts when switching between moving and idle variations.
- Lost River: Mutt with pointed ears has no animation when doing bite-hold while running.
- Wolf can end up underneath a grizzly when biting it.
- Switching between young and old versions of a coat triggers genome coat randomization.
- World Map sometimes doesn't match season.
- Game hangs on black screen when recording den memory at end of Raise Pups.
- On World Map, season readout in first half of Growing Pups says Late Spring instead of Late Summer.
- Bison can spawn too close to homesite.
- Multiplayer: Can be difficult to bite NPCs when non-host.
- Multiplayer: Pups not going into the den automatically when the last player at home with them logs off.
- Multiplayer: Forever Favorite achievement doesn't unlock when it should.
- Multiplayer: "Host Transferring" alert can get stuck onscreen, preventing the transfer.
- Multiplayer: Wrong text on Establish Territory quest intro.
- Step-siblings from one player-parent's old family also triggers achievements that involve siblings unless they were raised by a player.
- Rival wolves do lurking behaviors right next to the player. (They got mixed up about the type of fight they're engaged in.)
- Chain barking by packmates when player barks.
- World Map legend doesn't display den types on maps other than Slough Creek.
- Starting a new game with a wolf that just aged up lets them age up again in their first year.
- Adult packmates eat pups' food when moving to a new homesite.
- When rival wolves chase you to an empty hex, they immediately take it and then decide you're still intruding, causing them to chasing you across the map.
- Player can get "Guard Dog" achievement (gained for repelling an invasion) for a fight in neutral territory without invasion icon, at a time when you don't even have territory.
- Error interferes with file sync process.
- Carcasses in shallow water often unreachable to NPC animals.
- In July, game can freeze for a few seconds periodically due to an error from a elk calf scent particle.
- Player can age up again when starting a new game with a wolf that already aged up in another playthrough.
- Pups don't do contact interactions (wrestling, jaw sparring, etc.)
- Bloodlines achievement breaks after moving maps.
- Den Memory perk doesn't work on dens off current map.
- Steam version of game doesn't remember DLC purchases for a few weeks since last account login.
v2.0.0d - Released 8 January 2025
v2.0.0c - Released 3 January 2025
If the game sometimes runs in slow motion for you (with good FPS), please try changing the display resolution settings and VSynch setting (in Game Settings: Display), and/or updating your graphics drivers.
- Added new "Recent Notifications" section in Quests panel, which shows notifications from current game session. (Not saved for future game sessions.)
- Added "Are you sure?" popup to confirm Permanent Death panel's "Finish" button.
- Reduced hold attack duration if it can't find a bite point, to avoid long pauses in action.
- Affinity bar on Wolf Badge: Indicates current Affinity cap (e.g. capped at 75% when solo parent).
- Persistent Packs: Make packs with no territory prefer their first hex to be in vacant territory far from others.
- Wolf Customization: Allow radio collar for yearling player-wolves.
- Prevent pups from responding to contact play while in bad shape.
- Increased pup raid and invasion frequency and difficulty when player-pack is large.
- Increased chances of pups leaving tall grass during pup raids.
- Increased damage from critical hits on Young Hunter pups.
- Improved NPC wolf behavior when choosing a bite point when close to prey and competitors.
- Reduced hold attack duration if it can't find a bite point, to avoid long pauses in action.
- Packmates passive when player bites a beaver.
- Known Wolves panel: when selecting the top map section, game doesn't scroll all the way up to make sure the headings are not partially hidden.
- Packmates try to go to rest at the homesite, even when on a hunting trip.
- Calves can get stuck doing "Follow Mother" action when doing routine actions.
- Scent posts disappear when placed inside navgrid contours.
- Packmates can get stuck while on excursion.
- Most recent year dens are not remembered when not having the good memory perk (only if not moving maps).
- Wolves will court an incompatible mate (i.e. same sex, siblings) in rare coincidence with random number generation.
- Save corruption with current mission (e.g. Find Mate trial gets stuck at 99%).
- NPCs don't reliably start a bite-hold attack when close to opponent during predator fight.
- Popup claims a pack leader is ready for courtship, even when they're not interested in the player and it's actually subordinates you'll be courting.
- Pup or hare being ignored while in someone's mouth.
- Mate succession causes subordinate wolves to be listed as siblings.
- Can get stuck on invisible pup dispersing panel.
- Trial mates getting flagged as former player-wolf (resulting in pack code thinking they are a former leader dispersing if player later on courts their origin pack leader).
- Corrupted save with player-pack added to NPC hunting parties.
- In Game Settings, Display tab: Windowed mode does not show correct resolution initially.
- Hex Invasion: Compass icon doesn't appear if invading pack is on far opposite side of the map.
- Two newlywed packs fight over the same initial hex forever.
- Hellroaring: Call the Wild collectible doesn't spawn in fall season. (Should spawn now even in saved games.)
- Rival wolves are sometimes slightly skewed when chasing target.
- Some games stall when loading saves named a certain way.
- Packmate tries to take a hare carcass home during a hunting trip.
- Packmates are often not very active during showdown with ungulates.
- Courtship: can be difficult to get past initial Suspicious phase (especially with rival pack leaders).
- Pup Sick notification may not appear if triggered just before Growing Pups quest ends.
- Pups At Den music jumping between clips while pups emerge from den at the start of Raise Pups.
- Game Help texts: added F/F meter to Rival Wolf Pack entry, corrected mouse glyph on Movement Controls; added more info about Bad Shape pups.
- An interaction between dreaming and turning HUD option to OFF could make notification blocked until HUD is visible again.
- Minor terrain and water issues.
v2.0.0b - RELEASED 20 DECEMBER 2024
If the game sometimes runs in slow motion for you (with good FPS), please try changing the display resolution settings (in Game Settings: Display), and/or updating your graphics drivers.
- Multiple AI optimizations which should improve performance especially during prey hunts and wolf fights.
- When moving maps, game now chooses the most appropriate territory config in the new map.
- Increased odds of successful courtship when dispersal wolf courts a wolf in the player's pack.
- Persistent packs: Made it more likely (in code and by fixing a bug) of unrelated-to-player dispersals that are already on the map of becoming a new rival pack after another pack disbands.
- Improved randomization of names when rival packs are formed.
- Added information about map moving to Game Help: World Map.
- Known Wolves: Added "Clear Departed Wolves" button.
- Improved odds of pups doing contact interactions like wrestling and tail biting. (May need more work though.)
- Made distance matter more and fondness less when determining who a wolf plays with (fondness was dominating it, causing the same wolves to play together too repetitively).
- Performance optimization when determining if an animal to target is too deep in water to attack.
- Slough Creek: Removed all "Dangerous Territory" alerts when marking hexes around the outer areas of the map.
- Clarified some achievement texts.
- Corrected the "I'm Juggling As Fast As I Can" achievement text (said requirement was to finish YH quest, but actually is to finish GP quest).
- Clarified some quest tests.
- Added entry to Game Help about Elder Wolf.
- Shortened Survive with Family quest in winter by two game-days (not that this gives you less time to find a mate if you need one).
- If pup who suffered Unknown Fate reappears later, their status will be updated on the Family Tree.
- Apply Den Memory and clear dens correctly while in Survive Missions for a long time.
- Some refinements to NPC wolf courtship and pairing when not spawned.
- Sad Parent is now unlocked if pup dies of health loss caused by hunger.
- Changed priority on all Packmate Dispersed notifications so they appear even if Common Notifications are hidden.
- Hellroaring: Added some winter holiday decor during winter season.
- Hellroaring: Show flashing red edge effect when hunter shoots any pack member.
- Issues with newlywed wolves not being created when they should.
- Multiplayer: Sometimes the bio panel shows the same wolf's bio for everyone.
- Wolves pick up meat chunks even nearly to full to give to an injured packmate -- only to realize that the packmate wasn't hungry and there was a carcass right by them.
- Airborne scent for lost pup has wrong shape and color.
- Packmates weave back and forth too much when targeting prey on the run.
- Multiplayer: Player-wolves appear to be stuck in limbo.
- Multiplayer: Game broken when reloading a MP save.
- Multiplayer: Injuries not preserved during host transfer.
- Multiplayer: Pack Life games could get into a state where resuming the game from a save or doing host migration broke things, including showing a broken wolf badge for the host or forgetting injuries of clients.
- Young Hunter pups don't close their eyes when howling
- In photo mode, tutorial tip doesn't turn itself off if HUD is already disabled when entering photo mode.
- Some presaga saves getting upgraded twice, causing saves to stall during load.
- Error after upgrading presaga saves with disbanded packs until they get destroyed.
- Unborn pups of player have default sequence names (16xx).
- GP and YH pups' jaws sometimes glitch out briefly when picking up an object.
- Minor terrain and water issues.
- When loading presaga saves, some adult wolves can be "Unborn" after moving maps.
- Dead wolves still alive in some presaga saves.
- Mark previous player wolf as known wolf after succession.
- Toad's scent trail says Snowshoe Hare until you get close to it.
- Game can crash in rare situation when two groups in player's pack are trying to merge back together.
- In player's pack, yearlings are categorized as siblings after player switches to play as pup in Pack Succession.
- Family Tree: Some causes of death do not display for pups.
- Dead mate listed as still alive in KW panel as alive (possibly fixed).
- Some map hex icons have messy edges.
- Hellroaring: Wolverine never does dive-under-wolf attack.
- Minor terrain and water issues.
v2.0.0a - RELEASED 13 DECEMBER 2024
- New hidden achievement and related functionality.
- Rival packs now prefer invading hexes towards map edge if they don't have enough, when in no-homesite seasons.
- Improved rival pack's skill at choosing homesites that make sense given pack's territory.
- Ensure that rival packs don't choose home hexes in vacant territory when there's much closer ones available in neighboring hexes.
- Pack Info: Show "Elder Wolf" label for other packmates than mate.
- Pack Info: Expanded Packmates area when Your Homes section is hidden.
- When more than seven wolves in player's pack are at the the homesite, coyotes won't try to attack.
- To reduce wastage of meat chunks at a carcass (caused by packmates grabbing a chunk but then filling up before all food has been eaten from chunk), packmates now will not pick up chunks when they are almost full.
- Older packmates are less interesting than younger packmates in running around and playing with pups at any given level of wakefulness.
- Multiplayer: Pups will now go in the den if the last babysitter disconnects.
- Fine-tuning rival wolf mortality odds at older ages.
- During pack howl at end of Young Hunters, old "triumph" music now plays.
- Compass and World Map now share the same rule about visibility of den and rendezvous sites icons.
- In social exchanges with the player, made packmate conflict dissipation emotes give only a small amount of affinity and emit a single heart.
- Fine-tuning dispersal odds in player pack.
- Controller: Added fallback glyphs for controller types.
- Hellroaring Mountain: On low graphics settings when boulder fields are not rendered due to performance constraints, player-wolf is now turned around with a notification, as when at border.
- During hunts, after woofing Young Hunter pups on low health to back off, they can get too close to prey which are doing standing defense.
- Wolves with eye customizations don't show those in Family Tree preview.
- In Compass, scent post icon isn't quite centered.
- Iron/Elder Wolf death defaulted to Thermal Burns in some cases, incorrectly.
- When playing as dispersed pup, Hex Invasion icon appears for invasions against the player's old pack.
- Pressing ESC just when permanent death panel opens can freeze the game.
- Early Graduation achievement sometimes doesn't unlock when it should. (Possiby fixed, please submit report if you don't get achievement when you should.)
- Some pup-related notifications do not appear in certain circumstances.
- Packmates do T4 (tucked tail) after winning a fight.
- Minor terrain and river issues.
- Newly-dispersed pup's save loads as parent. (Fixed in existing saves too.)
- Packmate dig when they have a major leg injury.
- Error causes black screen in certain circumstances when pups disperse.
- Error causes Pack Succession to get stuck if pack has wolves eager to disperse.
- When multiple pups disperse, only one of them is saved even when multiple are selected to save.
- Multiplayer: "Strength of a Wolf" and similar achievements don't unlock even after player reaches Endless Summer.
- Multiplayer: Some achievement descriptions still say "raise pups to 20 pounds" (instead of 25).
- Pregnancy issues after female mate dies or player does Pack Succession.
- Packmates run into player-wolf when doing Bouncy gait.
- If player got far into August in presaga Endless Summer, Growing Pups quest is truncated.
- In About the Saga text, RNG "Sickness Only" text says max litter size is 5 pups, should say 6 pups.
- Sibling pack stats row shows outdated injury stats.
- World Map shows packmates icon for pups at home.
- Minor terrain issues.
Saga Release! v2.0.0 - Released 9 December 2024
The WolfQuest Saga is "the rest of the game," where pups continue to grow through the rest of the year and subsequent years, becoming yearlings when the next litter is born, and eventually dispersing. Time continues to progress through the years until your-wolf dies -- but then you can switch to play as your mate or offspring.
The Saga adds two new quests: Growing Pups and Young Hunters. When you finish Young Hunters, you'll return to early spring and Find a Den, creating a seamless loop year to year. There are also several "Survive" quests which are triggered if you have no pups of the year. Learn more about each one in the tabs here in Game Help.
The Saga is a major expansion and revision of the game. Treat it like you are playing it for the first time. Many things have changed! Many familiar aspects of the game may work differently, so read quest intros and tips for the first game-year or two. Wolf health is more important than ever, so be smart about keeping your health high. Hunting becomes easier as your pack grows, but you'll also need to hunt more and more often to keep everyone fed.
- New IK system for better foot placement on terrain. (Phase 1 completed, more improvements to come in future.)
- Some whiter coats now have young versions of their coats. These are togglable in customization menu.
- New “Pup RNG Death” option in Game Settings. This controls random (RNG=Random Number Generator) deaths for pups. These settings only affect future litters, not the current pups of the year. There are three choices with this setting:
- All Types: Pups can die of sickness and can also possibly get lost and meet unknown fates. Maximum litter size on this setting is seven.
- Sickness Only: Pups can die of sickness but not unknown fates. Maximum litter size is six.
- None: Pups cannot die of sickness or unknown fates. Maximum litter size is five.
- New double-pawprint icon <sprite=298> in pack stats for packmates about to leave on excursion.
- New single-pawprint icon <sprite=297> in pack stats for packmates who are on an excursion away from the homesite.
- Affinity is now gained by eating together, rather than killing together. Applies to all packmates.
- Mates and other packmates have their own opinion about whether to join player on excursions.
- When woofing at a packmate to tell to go home, you must target them before woofing.
- Pack Rally added to Single-Player. Just before starting an elk hunt (and when with packmates away from homesite), start a pack rally by howling twice. This will boost everyone's stamina and also prevent younger packmates from getting distracted and falling behind the leaders during the hunt.
- To complete the Loaf at Rendezvous Site quest, pups must grow to 25 pounds instead of 20 pounds.
- Playbow at packmates and then run to invite them to chase you.
Pup Sickness
- Companionship now has a cooldown after two game-hours.
- Sickness is now in effect on ALL difficulties.
- Pups now are visibly weaker when they are sick or low on health or food.
- Mothers of newborn ungulates may now flee from you, even if you haven’t found their baby.
- Elk mothers may now abandon their calves to stay with the herd.
- Beaver population depletes from overhunting. They recover as time passes.
- Predators can now startle pups out of tall grass.
- Growling repeatedly at predators has diminished effects on Flee meter. Damage them to reset it (prove you aren’t all bark and no bite).
- All wolves can now sustain major injuries.
- Predators can’t be lured as far from a carcass during carcass disputes.
- Rival packs only have home sites in the same seasons the player does.
- Territory now has 4 strength levels:
- Recent [80-100%, 2 rings)
- Strong (51-79%, 1 ring)
- Fair (25-50%, no ring)
- Weak (1-25%, hatching)
"Soulmates" achievement will only unlock with new games started in the Saga. (If you have a wolf who has already gotten a mate before the Saga, that won't unlock this achievement when reaching age 8.)
Age Perks
- Fun Parent: no longer removes social cooldown, just extends it.
- Elder Authority: reduces but doesn't completely prevent pups from emerging from den or grass during pup raids.
- To send packmate home: target them and Woof.
- During Young Hunter quest, tell low-health pups to back off during hunts and fights: get close to them and Woof. All within eight meters of your wolf with health below 30% should obey.
- Playbow: Playbow at packmates and run away to invite them to play chase with you.
- Playful Trot: Toggle on/off with B key (for "bouncy"). Player-wolf also does "chase invite" version of playbow when in this mode.
- Survival of the Pack Achievements now requires completion of Young Hunters, not Loaf Quest.
- Iron Mom & Iron Dad: now require completion of Young Hunters, not Loaf Quest.
- Bad Parent Achievement renamed to "Sad Parent," since hunger is a bigger threat and not always preventable.
- Eighteen new achievements, distributed among various sections of the Achievements panel.
The Saga has not come to multiplayer yet. We have some plans for it and will focus on those after the Saga is released.
- Substantially reduced struggle damage dealt to wolves by grizzlies.
- Elk herds will wander much shorter distances from their seasonal homes (so should remain decently distributed across the map -- more in highlands in summer, and more in lowlands in winter.
- Increased territory decay when pack has disbanded.
- Added toggle in Game Settings: Show Quest Intros. When disabled, only a brief non-pausing quest title is displayed at the start of each quest.
- Reduced odds of player-wolf and mate death during each sleep after reaching age 8 (to have better chance of living another year or so).
- All pups are marked as "experienced" after finishing Young Hunters, so they skip Learn to Hunt when made into playable wolves.
- Family Tree snapshots are now non-pausing corner notifications (unless there is a conflicting newer snapshot that would be overwritten.)
- Some refinement to rival wolf behavior: they won't hunt in rival territory, they'll hurry when moving through rival territory
- Prevent longer roaming music tracks from looping.
- Improvements to urine stream positioning and appearance.
- In Family Tree, use wolf's number-name as nickname if it has no nickname.
- Made wolf eating animations more consistent (shorter animation when eating regurgitant or in a fight, longer animation when eating raw meat).
- Player-wolf can now drop objects when moving.
- Added FT snapshots at beginning and end of Raise Pups.
- Optimized wolf spawning to reduce or eliminate spikes when rival wolves spawn.
- AI: Made wolves less likely to initiate social exchanges when they have their mouth full.
- Adjusted litter sizes so they can a bit larger than previously at each diversity rating.
- Coyotes and foxes will be a bit less bold against multiple wolves.
- In family tree, pup name+number now shown under preview image.
- New logic for courtship attraction: now dispersal flocks are more proactive in seeking out non-dispersal packs (including player-pack).
- Hellroaring: Wolves act startled when they hear rifle shots north of the Hellroaring border.
- Wolves can die now from starvation (even when health is not zero).
- Two more entries for territory hex colors (might be needed in certain scenarios with pups dispersing).
- Territory quality is divided into four levels (1-24%, 25-49%, 50-79%, and 80-100%). Each has a different icon on the territory map. Rival packs treat all hexes that are 50% or stronger as the same in terms of pup raids and hex invasions. And Hex Percentage toggle is 3-way now: None, Current hex, All hexes.
- Reduced chances of mother elk losing track of calves.
- Family Tree now displays the text about the fate of a pack after the player-wolf dies (if the player did not do pack succession).
- In Pack Info, new pawprint icon next to packmate name indicates if they've decided to go on an excursion but haven't left yet.
- Changed name of Bad Parent achievement to Sad Parent.
- Added a cooldown period to Companionship: Doing companionship speeds up recovery, but you can only do it for two game-hours per game-day (so now very similar to the emote cooldown).
- The whitest wolf coats will have a "young" alternative version. All NPC wolves will get the younger version automatically when they're 4 months old, and will change to the original/older/whiter version when they turn age 5. In Wolf Customization, players can choose either version and switch to the other version at any time to represent the aging of that wolf.
- When pups (from May through September) get sick or very low on health or hunger, they act more obviously weak: Moving slowly, not romping around. Slow and painful when standing up and walking.
- Music: "Wild and Free" music track is now the quest music when playing as a dispersed pup. (Previously was when escaping from a wolf fight.)
- Pups can be spooked out of tall grass patches when raiding competitors come close to the grass.
- Competitors should only run a short distance when you try to lure them away from a carcass.
- Made the Original Black coat to be genetically black regardless of tint, to avoid confusion about it.
- Lost River: Ranch herd now includes yearlings: Lots of meat but less health than full-grown adult cattle.
- Lost River: Ranch cattle now wander periodically. Watch and wait for one calf or yearling to drift away from the group.
- When courting a pack wolf, siblings instantly become hostile at end of courtship.
- Various minor issues with terrain, water, and dens.
- Occasional invisible obstacles on some maps.
- Hellroaring and Lost River: Early Spring and Fall seasons have green grass on Basic Sky & Veg mode.
- On World Map, rendezvous sites are shown by default rather than respecting previous user action.
- Slough Creek: No bull elk herds spawn in fall season.
- Hellroaring: Shot in body causes leg limp.
- Hellroaring: A few areas have low-resolution texture splotches.
- Lost River: One house starts celebrating Christmas season way too early.
- Many other minor things.
v1.1.2g - Released 4 June 2024
v1.1.2f - Released 29 May 2024
Multiplayer: Some wolves having no origin pack name in Known Wolves panel.
Multiplayer: Some wolves disappear from Known Wolves panel,
In some situations, excessive number of NPC wolves spawned in rival packs.
At at least one Rendezvous Site, pups refuse to go into tall grass.
Pup pathfinding issues at a few dens.
Small Dot coat: White around the eyes.
Hellroaring DLC: A few scent posts are beyond map borders.
Minor issues at a few dens.
Lost River DLC: Increased translucency of some windows.
Minor terrain issues.
v1.1.2d - Released 20 April 2024
NPC animals can ascend into the sky at some spots around the basalt boulder fields.
Some dirt dens disappear at too close of a distance.
v1.1.2c - Released 19 April 2024
- Added boulders to basalt boulder fields on Basic Sky & Vegetation mode (but they are similar to grass and will not appear if grass distance slider is at minimum).
- Improved invisible walls around basalt boulder fields.
- The special dreams for the Enchanted Dreams achievement only appear after you unlock the achievement, not when unlocking it. Also, color effects are applied to those and other dreams but should not be (making them too dark and contrasty). Also, all four special dreams do not reliably appear.
- One rendezvous site is misassigned in Across the Wide Yellowstone achievement, so that won't unlock if you moved from or to that site.
- Pup pathfinding issues at some dens.
- Northwest territory config preview image has missing and incorrect homesites.
- Player gets stuck in place when trying to dig out one dirt den.
- Two dens occasionally are pink in certain situations.
- Minor terrain, river, and den visual issues.
- Multiplayer: Rival pack sizes are often too large, since yearlings are included when applying the multiplayer based on number of players.
v1.1.2b - Released 15 April 2024
In Hellroaring Mountain, the Enchanted Dreams achievement had two problems: The visual effect of the Enchanted Forest area extended out farther than the achievement trigger zone, so you might think you were in the right area but wouldn't get the achievement after sleeping. And the wrong dream images were used. This is corrected now, and if you've already unlocked this achievement, you can go back to the Enchanted Forest anytime and sleep to see the correct special dreams.
- Reduced number of wolverines on the map a bit.
- Reduced persistence of competitors at carcasses (had increased that a bit recently).
- Two dens (both with a dead log above the dirt hole) had the same ID, which caused problems when loading saves: Den Memory only recognized one of the two, and your mate and pups would sometimes decide that they belonged at the other den and head off cross-country towards it. This is fixed now, but may cause some problems still when loading those saves.
- Enchanted Dreams achievement uses wrong set of dream images.
- NPC wolves can fall off of bridges.
- Pup pathfinding troubles at several dens.
- Invisible dirt mound collider at one den.
- Some dirt dens become invisible at too close of a distance.
- On Basic Sky & Vegetation mode: Several dense clusters of trees.
- Minor visual issues with den holes.
- Scent post on southwest hex is beyond border. (Fixed in new games.)
- Tall grass patches in a few unhelpful spots.
- Various terrain, vegetation, and water issues.
- Foxes are not afraid of wolverines.
- In Lost River DLC map, several achievements that involve sleeping don't work.
- Multiplayer: After host transfer, new host's wolf is cloned.
- Sometimes mate goes into den and comes back out repeatedly.
- Typos.
v1.1.2a - Released 12 April 2024
- Refinements to elk behavior when fleeing wolf: increased speed a bit, increased spacing between elk, reduced excessive jostling. Should be noticeably smoother movements now.
- Many minor fixes and improvements to Hellroaring terrain, rocks, and water.
- Added more colliders around the large basalt boulder fields. Those are not meant to be entered.
- Reduced the slowdown effect somewhat on wolves in deep snow.
- Tweaks to leucistic elk texture.
- Some very old save files are corrupted when loading into game now. (Those saves should work now.)
- Sometimes danger music does not stop after crossing back into park.
- Snowshoe collectible object does not emit airborne scents.
- Can't pick up traffic cone at one spot.
- On low graphics quality settings on Mac, some big rock outcrops are pink.
- Wolverine coat looks bad when no fur is enabled.
v1.1.2 - Released 11 April 2024
Hellroaring Mountain rises above the Yellowstone River in north-central Yellowstone, several kilometers west of Slough Creek. The largest granite mountain in the park, Hellroaring overlooks the Black Canyon of the Yellowstone and, further south, the rolling hills leading up to the Blacktail Deer Plateau. This DLC is available for purchase for $US10. In the game, start a new game, select Hellroaring Mountain Preview, and click the Purchase button (or the Preview button to load the map for a 10 minute test session).
- 8x8 kilometer map (almost 30% larger than the other WQ:AE Yellowstone maps).
- Most of the map is within Yellowstone National Park, where wolves are protected, but the map extends about a kilometer north of the park boundary into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness.
- The full arc of quests, from learning to hunt through raising pups. (That currently brings you to Endless Summer, but once the Saga is completed, it will be available here as well as in other maps.)
- Wolverines. These feisty competitors are mainly found in the high country north of the Yellowstone River. They will put up a fierce fight over carcasses.
- All the animals found in other Yellowstone maps, except beavers. (They don't live in this area, not enough slow creeks.)
- Fifteen new achievements.
- Over 30 new dreams featuring Hellroaring animals and landmarks.
Elk Hunt: Adjusted elk speed logic so it's easier to catch up to the herd and stay with the herd without excessive sprinting.
Elk Hunt: Adjusted damage dealt by elk to wolves -- it's now higher when elk have high stamina and gradually drops as those drop. (This was already occuring, but now the min and max effects are much greater. The goal is to reward patience, chasing the herd to tire them out, and to identify the weaker elk -- the latter has been too quick and easy to do.)
Elk Hunt: Reduced odds of stumbling on most elk (but greatly increased them for bull and spike elks, the odds were extremely low for them.)
Multiplayer: Reduced rival wolf multiplier during den raids a bit, when there are only two players in the game.
Modest reduction in size of rival wolf raiding partly in multiplayer, based on number of players in the game.
On all maps, moved rival pack homesites so hexes can be claimed, and NPC wolves should usually not be beyond world borders. (Only applies to new games).
Increased minimum number of dispersal groups on each map.
Reduced maximum health penalty a bit for elk in April and May.
Revised some code for toggling den scent glow in different seasons (should not have any visible effect).
Cougar: Increased movement speed during charge attack.
- Fix some packs missing homesite on upgrade save to pp
- Persistent packs: Disbanding packs sometimes are not instantly removed when jumping ahead to next year.
- Dispersal wolves move back and forth between hexes to much.
- Summer pup can carry grizzly bear skull, though it's awfully big for them.
- Lost River: Dispersals still getting into ranch area.
- Pups will circle predators at too long of a distance.
- Cougar charge attack has an indefinite duration.
- Idle music plays for a second when doing emotes while moving.
- Some cougar vocalizations are too quiet.
- HUD becomes visible after screenshot when HUD is hidden by dreams.
- File sync misses info when game starts with sync disabled.
- World Map locator maps don't update when moving to another map.
- Chat panel disappears when HUD is hidden.
v1.1.1g - Released 12 February 2024
- Unlockable coats (formerly called NPC coats). Now when you raise a pup with one of these coats, that coat is unlocked in Wolf Customization after you generate the summertime Family Tree snapshot. (Only works in new games, not retroactive. There are some cheat-prevention methods in place so you can't share wolf saves with other players to let them unlock a coat.)
- Among real wolves, males are more likely to disperse to find a mate. Females are more likely to stay in their natal (family) pack. We have added this behavior to the game. So now, when looking for a mate, you'll find more males in the dispersal groups, and more females interested in courtship in rival packs. A red heart icon on the compass indicates courtable wolves (when they howl back) and on the Scent View panel.
- Multiplayer map moving: You can now move to another Yellowstone map in multiplayer games.
- A few pup coats have changed a bit, retroactively (to get better matches in the pup-to-adult coat sequence in the Saga).
- Persistent Pack code was refactored to make it more robust, which should not have any changes except as noted here, but might create new bugs, please report if you see any!
- Yearlings are now called Yearlings until their second birthday -- but they can potentially disperse before that birthday. (Previously they changed to Subordinates at 18 months of age, to allow dispersing, due to a limitation in the code.)
- Reduced rival pack aggressiveness after player intrudes into their territory from 24 hour cooldown to 8 hours. (So you can return much sooner if you're trying to court a pack wolf.)
- Reduced odds of dispersal wolf finding another dispersal as mate (to reduce dispersal churn).
- Increased odds of mortality for older wolves in rival packs. (Should also make packs a bit more likely to disband periodically.)
- Improvements to 9F coat.
- Adjusted odds of certain wolf coats higher or lower.
- Persistent Packs: Added a delay before widowed pack leaders can find a new mate.
- Wolf nametags are now controlled independently from HUD, using N key to toggle on/off
- Multiplayer: If player goes AFK while in den, their wolf automatically exits the den so as not to prevent game progress.
- Multiplayer: Greatly reduced the number of dispersal wolves in non-Story games (since they aren't needed and can get annoying).
- Increased minimum number of dispersal wolves on each map at any given time.
- Added info about dispersal differences to Find a Mate: Tips text.
- Controller: Enabled auto-scroll when using controller to navigate in Known Wolves panel.
- Controller: Improvements to controller navigation of Known Wolves panel.
- Controller: All Tab menu buttons remain visible now, with highlight of the one selected, to help with navigating the tab buttons.
- Controller, switching tabs with shoulder buttons navigates to left/right from selected button.
- Female wolf doesn't look pregnant after going from Establish Territory to Find a Den quest.
- Player-wolf is invisible in scent view when switched to Carmella mode.
- Game stalls when in Reminisce mode and trying to jump ahead to next year (which should not be possible).
- Player-wolf can go beyond the map border when bite-holding prey, which can lead to a long forced-walk back into the map afterwards.
- Multiplayer: Pups repeatedly playbowing the wrong parent when they switch to an absent favorite parent.
- Multiplayer: On Known Wolves panel, dead pack wolves are not synced correctly.
- Longer pack names are truncated on the World Map legend.
- Controller: Can't access Departed Wolves section on Known Wolves panel.
- Known Wolves: Yearlings can die when pack disbands even if old enough to disperse,
- Persistent Packs: Rival packs don't disband (or see other changes) if player has reached the end-date of the current quest.
- Persistent Packs: Unborn pups not removed from rival pack when it disbands.
- Persistent Packs: Unborn pups are not removed from rival pack if female breeder dies.
- Light rain audio is too quiet.
- Mate pathfinding issue near Lost River (DLC) ghost town den.
- When moving to another map with a trial mate, trial period ends automatically when arriving at the other map.
- Lost River DLC: In wintertime, an invisible floor in coffeeshop is higher than the visible floor.
- Known Wolves: Unborn pups immediately grow into yearlings.
- File sync throws an error if manually triggered again while already in progress.
- Pup said to have starved to death when it was really killed (in rare situation).
- Controller: Physical keyboard doesn't work when renaming mate or pup.
- Dispersal wolves go into ranch area.
- Can get stuck underground after certain sequence of events and map-moving in Find Den quest.
- Error after a dispersal NPC group fought a territory NPC group and won.
- Error when loading saves from a short period of 2021.
- Known Wolves: Dispersals can return to a natal pack that no longer exists.
- Error thrown when trying to delete many save games
- Pathfinding issues at several dens.
- Typo in rival pack name.
- Various terrain issues.